Cookies & Cups > Recipes > Dessert > Reese’s Stuffed Crescent Rolls

Reese’s Stuffed Crescent Rolls

Two Reese's Stuffed Crescent Rolls on a plate

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You might be getting bored with my vacation stories.
I’m sorry.
But a change of scenery tends to get the creative juices flowing.
So, yes, I apologize about all this vacation talk, but this story must be told…
As you all know I am allergic to exercise.
It’s a pretty severe allergy.
I carry an EpiPen for it and everything.
But when I am on vacation I like to try and shake things up a bit.  You know, live on the edge.
So when the resort pool offered up “Water Aerobics” my friends and I decided, “Why the heck not?”
I mean it’s exercise without sweating or gravity…2 things that I have decided make exercise much too difficult.
Sign. Mah. UP!!
Here’s how it went down:
Got to the pool where the class was being held.
I instantly felt young and fit.
My friends and I brought the average age of the class down by 40 years or so.
There is definitely something to doing water jumping jacks while sandwiched in between an elderly woman and a man with large man-breasts to elevate your self-esteem.
Next our instructor made her appearance.
For the sake of anonymity we will call her Sherry.  Ok, that was her name, but something tells me she’s not reading this…more on that later…
Sherry was a head turner.  She strolled in wearing her swimsuit and a smile.
Bless her heart.
The one thing that made Sherry unique, however was that Sherry…our Sherry…
Jesus strike me down, but Sherry had one penis too many to be wearing a bikini.
Sherry wore a fabulously bedazzled suit, wedge sandals…I assume to enhance her feminine calves…and a  toe ring.  The end.
I still don’t know why Sherry wore that, clearly custom made, bikini…because she didn’t get in the water.
She did all the very bendy exercises without the blessed camouflage of the water.
Her splits, her leg lifts, her high kicks are now cemented in my mind as clear as the day of my first son’s birth.
Some thing’s stay with you for a lifetime.
Thank you for that, Sherry.
Sherry also competes in body building competitions.
I know this because she didn’t stop talking about it.
Or flexing.
Flexing apparently is a large part of her day.
 That and making chicken burgers.
Maybe flexing while preparing the chicken burgers.
She told us that she didn’t want to eat turkey because there is more estrogen in the turkey.
I’m not thinking that would be a problem.
But hey, different strokes, different folks.
But Sherry had me working my flabby tush in that pool next to Father Time harder than I have worked in a while.
She was a drill sergeant, that Sherry.
And after it was all said and done she made us chant.
You know what we had to chant?
“Bread is bad”
That is how I know Sherry is not reading this.
Bread is bad is pretty counter-intuitive to what I am doing here.
So, in Sherry’s honor today I will make an easy dessert that makes me chant, “Bread is good”.
Especially when it is stuffed with Reese’s Cups.
Sorry Sherry, but thanks for the memories.
Reese’s Stuffed Crescent Rolls
 You’ll need:
4 Reese’s Cups
1 package Crescent Rolls (makes 8)
powdered sugar for sifting
Here’s how you do it:
Cut your Reese’s Cups in half and starting from the top and loosely roll your Crescents.
Remember to pinch the sides closed so the chocolate doesn’t melt out.
Bake on a parchment lined baking sheet according to package directions.
(I baked for 8 minutes)
When they are done sprinkle with powdered sugar.
They are best served warm.
Hope you have a great week!

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60 comments on “Reese’s Stuffed Crescent Rolls”

  1. Meister @ The Nervous Cook

    My sister & her kids would go bonkers for these — I can’t wait to share this post with them! (Just discovered your blog, & am already so glad I did. Consider me hooked from the start!)

  2. I recently attempted water aerobics too b/c I’m pregnant. Your post was all too familiar. I wasn’t sure what was the funniest part…being the youngest by 30 years, me in a moo moo of a swimsuit and having to tuck in the top to my bottoms, or dancing to Huey Lewis and the News with a noodle.

    Loved every bit of this post.

  3. I have tears rolling down my face I am laughing so hard. Oh my goodness. Glad you shared THIS vacation story with us, for sure!

  4. bridget {bake at 350}

    Shelly….I love you.

    "As you all know I am allergic to exercise.It's a pretty severe allergy.
    I carry an EpiPen for it and everything."

    I think we might be twins.

    PS…I started a water aerobics class last week. It's done in a "lazy river" which sounded just about my speed. Except you walk AGAINST the current and do lunges and all of that. It's HARD.

    I think I need a crescent roll.

  5. nicole / Twitter: BTHM1

    Just so you know, I consider you EVIL. It's LATE LATE at night and I'm trying to remember if we have crescent rolls in the house, cause I know we have the reeses and sugar and am wondering if I can make these and NOT wake anyone up….SIGH..
    BAD blogger. LOL

  6. bbbwwwwwhhhhaaa!!! the mental picture I have now is not pretty!!!! I must have some bread to get rid of it…with extra reeses;-)

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