Cookies & Cups > Recipes > Dessert > Candy & Truffles > Strawberry 2 Ingredient Fudge

Strawberry 2 Ingredient Fudge

This 2 Ingredient Strawberry Fudge has consistently been one of the most popular recipes on my site! It’s sweet, creamy and SUPER simple to make. This homemade fudge recipe, made from strawberry frosting and white chocolate, is the best Valentine’s Day dessert!

The Perfect Valentine’s Day Dessert

So Valentines Day is coming up. We aren’t big Valentines people in our house…not that I don’t WANT Valentine’s stuff, I mean… But we have kids and in this season of our life, our Valentine’s activities generally  revolve  around school parties and sweet treats for them…Plus, we have a kiddo who was born on Valentine’s Day!

Of course, I am fine with it…soon enough our little ones will be all grown up, so I make sure to enjoy every moment while they’re small. There will be time enough for fancy dinners someday!

A Super Easy Strawberry Fudge Recipe

And today we’re making a Valentine’s fudge recipe that the kids can absolutely get involved in making! Only 2 ingredients needed it’s a super simple process! Strawberry Fudge!

How to Make 2 Ingredient Strawberry Fudge:

All you do is get yourself a can of Strawberry Frosting and a bag of white chocolate chips.

Melt the chips and stir in the frosting.

Spread it into a lightly greased or lined pan…

Make some pretty designs if you’re feeling fancy.

Now, if you want to get crazy, sprinkles some cute little hearts on top.  I think M&Ms would be good on top too…you know, chocolate and strawberries I hear is pretty romantic.

Pop it in the fridge for a bit and then cut it into squares.

Or hearts.

Or broken hearts if you’re feeling dramatic.

* Tip ~ use a cookie cutter for easier shape making.

Isn’t it pretty?

Strawberry 2 Ingredient Fudge

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Strawberry 2 Ingredient Fudge

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 4.5 from 14 reviews
  • Author: Cookies & Cups
  • Prep Time: 5 min
  • Cook Time: 5 min
  • Total Time: 40 min
  • Yield: 16 squares 1x
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Stovetop
  • Cuisine: American


This 2 Ingredient Strawberry Fudge has consistently been one of the most popular recipes on my site! It’s sweet, creamy and SUPER simple to make. This homemade fudge recipe, made from strawberry frosting and white chocolate, is the best Valentine’s Day dessert!


  • 1 (16 oz) can of strawberry frosting
  • 1 12 oz bag of white chocolate chips


  1. Prepare a 9×9 pan by spray lightly with cooking spray.
  2. Over a double boiler, or in the microwave, melt your white chocolate chips.
  3. When chips are melted, remove from heat and stir in your strawberry frosting, evenly.
  4. Spread in your prepared pan and place in fridge to set for 30 minutes.
  5. Cut into squares to serve.


Store in refrigerator in an airtight container for up to a week.


  • Serving Size: 1 square
  • Calories: 235
  • Sugar: 30.8 g
  • Sodium: 72.3 mg
  • Fat: 11.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 32.2 g
  • Protein: 1.2 g
  • Cholesterol: 4.5 mg

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265 comments on “Strawberry 2 Ingredient Fudge”

  1. islandhopper11

    Simple and pretty, it is, but not much of a fudge taste. If you’re a fudge aficionado, you’ll either never make, or never make it a second time. I tossed the recipe.,

  2. I just made some mint flavored…it is in my fridge cooling and I can’t wait to see how it comes out

  3. if you whisk the frosting first it doubles in size so get twice as much to do cup cakes or this fudge found that little tip at good food show it really does to n thought id share.. after all anythin that gets more for money is good right x

  4. if you whisk the frosting first really well it doubles in size i found this out at the good food show. so will make money go further n make more just a little useful tip i found n thought id share.. it covers loads more cup cakes to if whisk it lots x

  5. PrincessDontRuinYourDinner

    I used this today for an Almond White Chocolate with the orange funfetti and with the help of a pumpkin cookie cutter they turned out so adorable! 🙂

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