Cookies & Cups > Recipes > Dessert > Brownies and Blondies > 2 Ingredient Pumpkin Brownies

2 Ingredient Pumpkin Brownies

Welcome fall with a batch of ultra-rich and fudgy 2 Ingredient Pumpkin Brownies! These are all sorts of cozy, wrapped up in a delicious and easy chocolate brownie recipe. And in case that doesn’t convince you, this recipe needs only TWO ingredients!

Love brownies with extra flavor? Try these strawberry brownies!

Easy Pumpkin Brownies Recipe

Gosh, it feels like we barely had a chance to process summer around here. And already things are gearing up for fall! Sweater weather is around the corner, and I am very much not prepared to be cold again. 

Of course, fall does means pumpkin season. And pumpkin season is honestly the best for baking! So there’s that. What better way to ease us back into a new school year than with a batch of fudgy pumpkin brownies? 

These aren’t just any pumpkin brownies, either. These are seriously like cozy sweaters in brownie form. They’re full of rich, fudgy chocolate flavor and just the right touch of comforting pumpkin warmth. Especially when frosted with buttery pumpkin spice frosting! 

Plus, this is the EASIEST brownie recipe ever. Of all time. You’ll see why!

A can of pumpkin puree next to a box of chocolate brownie mix.

Only 2 Ingredients!

You heard that right. Only 2! Can you believe it? As it turns out, 2-Ingredient recipes get the people going. I’ve made 2-Ingredient Pumpkin Cookies, 2-Ingredient Fudge, and 2-Ingredient Ice Cream. I even have a recipe for Soda Can Cupcakes, made with – you bet – just 2 ingredients!

So, drumroll, please. Here’s what you’ll need for these easy pumpkin brownies:

  • Brownie Mix: One family-sized box of your favorite chocolate brownie mix. You can use any brand and type you prefer. Chocolate Fudge, German Chocolate Brownies, Dark Chocolate Brownies.
  • Pumpkin Puree: Pumpkin makes these chocolate brownies all sorts of gooey and dense, in the best way. Not to mention the added fall-tastic flavor! Make sure you’re using real pumpkin puree and not pumpkin pie filling (they’re surprisingly easy to mix up. Just saying!).

That’s it! How crazy and simple is that? Before we continue, I’m not saying that you need to frost your brownies. But have you ever met a brownie that wasn’t improved by a thick layer of frosting? Exactly. 

So, if you’d like to frost these babies, you’ll also need Butter, Powdered Sugar (confectioner’s sugar), and a pinch of Pumpkin Spice. 3 ingredients are basically as good as 2, right?

Pumpkin brownies with white pumpkin spice frosting on foil.

How to Make Pumpkin Brownies

Moving on. I promised the easiest brownie recipe of all time, and I’m here to deliver. Set your oven to preheat oven to 350°F and line a baking pan with foil. I recommend greasing the foil with cooking spray, too, for extra fuss-free removal.

Next, you’ll make up this pumpkin dessert in 3 quick steps: 

Top view of pumpkin brownie batter in a glass mixing bowl with a spoon

Mix: Simply stir together the dry brownie mix and the pumpkin!

Bake: Pour the batter into your prepared pan and spread it around evenly. Pop those brownies into the oven for about 20-30 minutes. Once the center is set, take the brownies out and let them cool for a while. If you’re frosting them, you’ll need to wait until they’re cooled completely. 

Pumpkin pie spice resting on a countertop in a 1/4 tsp. measuring spoon.

Frost: To make a quick pumpkin spice frosting, cream together the butter and pumpkin spice, then add in the powdered sugar. Beat until the frosting is fluffy, then smear it over top of the brownies.

Side view of stacked pumpkin brownies with white pumpkin spice frosting

Tips and Mix-In Ideas

With such a gloriously basic recipe comes great responsibility – to make it your own any chance you get! These brownies are wonderful as they are, frosting or no frosting, but they’re also perfect for customizing. Try these tips for making your brownies the best ever:

  • Don’t Overmix: These brownies are already denser than regular chocolate brownies, thanks to the pumpkin puree. Because of this, avoid overmixing the brownie ingredients! This ensures that your brownies still turn out soft and fudgy, and not overly chewy.
  • Add Nuts: If you love a bit of crunch in your fudgy brownies, go ahead and add a quarter cup of crushed nuts to the batter. Pecans and walnuts are good options!
  • Add Caramel Sauce: Do you know what really takes these pumpkin brownies from fall to ✨🍂FALL🍃✨? A generous drizzle of Pumpkin Spice Caramel Sauce. You’re welcome.
  • Make Chocolate Chip Brownies: Looking for even more chocolatey goodness to tuck into your pumpkin brownies? Try tossing in a handful (or three) of semisweet or dark chocolate chips
  • Add Fall Spices: For even more pumpkin pie vibes, spice up your pumpkin brownies with a pinch or two of cinnamon, nutmeg, and/or allspice.
  • Add Candy: Chop up your favorite candy bars (Snickers, Reese’s, Butterfingers, etc.), or add in M&Ms for a pop of color!

How to Store Homemade Brownies

Store these brownies airtight on the countertop for up to 4 days. They’ll be at their freshest within the first 1-2 days, though. You can also keep them in the fridge, however, this dries out the texture a little. 

Can I Freeze Brownies?

Yes! Freezing these pumpkin brownies is an easy way to enjoy a sweet, tender bite whenever a craving strikes. They freeze like a champ either individually or all together and will keep fresh when frozen for up to 3 months. 

Store the brownies in a freezer-safe container, freezer bag, or tightly wrapped in plastic wrap. If you’re layering these when freezing, I do recommend placing a piece of parchment paper between layers. Thaw the brownies at room temperature, and enjoy!

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Two pumpkin brownies stacked on a wooden board

2 Ingredient Pumpkin Brownies

5 Stars 4 Stars 3 Stars 2 Stars 1 Star 3.9 from 21 reviews
  • Author: Shelly
  • Prep Time: 5 minutes
  • Cook Time: 30 minutes
  • Total Time: 35 minutes
  • Yield: 25 brownies 1x
  • Category: Dessert
  • Method: Oven
  • Cuisine: American


Welcome fall with a batch of ultra-rich and fudgy 2 Ingredient Pumpkin Brownies! These are all sorts of cozy, plus they’re made with only 2 ingredients!



For the Brownies

  • 1 “Family Size” box (19.5 oz) brownie mix
  • 1 (15 oz) canned pumpkin puree

For the Frosting (optional)

  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/4 tsp pumpkin pie spice


Making the Brownies

  1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
  2. Line a 9×9 pan with foil and spray lightly with cooking spray.
  3. In a bowl mix together brownie mix and pumpkin until smooth.
  4. Spread batter into pan and bake for 25-30 minutes until set.
  5. Let cool completely. Frost if desired.

Making the Frosting

  1. Cream butter and pumpkin pie spice until smooth.
  2. Turn the mixer to low and add powdered sugar.
  3. Turn the mixer up to medium and beat until fluffy.
  4. Spread on brownies, if desired.

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375 comments on “2 Ingredient Pumpkin Brownies”

  1. Hi Shelly!
    You have saved me so much time! I was looking for quick & easy recipes as I have to bake a boat -load of cookie/squares for my daughters’ school fundraiser. I was delighted to find that not only do we share the same name, but the same sense of humour! The 2 ingredient pumpkin cookies are baking as I type and I can’t wait to try these brownies out. 🙂
    Happy baking!

  2. So, has anyone tried this yet in the…
    Microwave? Can’t find a good time adjudgement for 900W. Any help? I want to try this tomorrow!

  3. Too funny that before I even clicked on it I was hoping a box brownie mix was involved! Can’t wait to try these! TY for sharing.

  4. Yeah I tried these and they were not good. Not at all. I even put frosting on them to make them taste better, but they still were not good. My family did not like them and I just threw them away.

  5. Tried these today and they taste great! Not sure what other posters are talking about when they have said they didnt like this recipe. They are fudgey, but good. And so easy! I added chocolate chips and will be putting vanilla frosting on. Yum!

  6. I made these tonight with the frosting. I cooked the caps in a 8×8 and I added another 20 minutes to the bake time until the middle lost it’s glossiness. After 15 minutes of sitting on a rack I was able to turn it out of the pan without it crumbling to cool quicker. Meanwhile I made the frosting using room temperature butter.
    My boyfriend loved them, but I personally didn’t care for the overall taste. I did love the balance of the pumpkin spice in the frosting and I will use it again for my pumping roll later this month. Thanks for a fun evening of baking!

  7. I’m disappointed. I just tried the recipe, using the correct size brownie mix & canned pumpkin. The mix was so dry, the dry mix wouldn’t mix into the pumpkin. I added another 1/2 can of pumpkin (22 oz total). It was thick, but the consistency of brownie batter. I baked it according to brownie package directions. It came out kind of rubbery, I’m glad yours came out great but I won’t be making it again.

  8. I read all the comments and thought I would prove all the negative comments wrong. But I can’t. The icing was wonderful but not enough to cover the whole pan of brownies. I may try this again but am unsure if it is a keeper recipe. The brownies definitely look better in your photos! 🙂

    1. Delete my first post. This is all my fault. I cooked in a silly 9×13 pan 🙂 Maybe that’s where it all went wrong!!

  9. Your blog is so perfect and your comments and everything made my day. I love your personality. We should be like best friends bro. I’m trying this recipe. Now. Literally now. Bye while I go make awesome 2 ingredient brownies.

    and ice them. so I can be your friend still.

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